Prince Andrew, also known by his nickname "Randy Andy", was yesterday advised by Buckingham Palace to keep a low profile.
I assume it is because the public have now learnt of yet another horrendous 'Randy Andy' faux pas. We now learn that Prince Andrew, the UK's 'Special' Trade envoy, has been happily working for a well-known gun-running criminal.
It turns out, that a muslim criminal called Kaitnui, 'bought' the young princess Beatrice (Andrew's daughter with former wife, the Duchess of York) for the price of a £16,000 diamond necklace.

Incredibly, at or around the same time Princess Andrew 'sold' his daughter, he then began to lobby parliament, various government ministers and companies on behalf of his latest sickening sex-brute friend.
Tarek Kaituni, is the nephew of mad Libyan tyrant, col. Ghadaffi, and cousin of Ghadaffi's drug-fueled idiot son, Saif. As you will remember, Saif, bought his "Human Rights and Civil Society" PhD from the London School of Economics (LSE) for £1.5 million in the 2000's.
Consequently, the head of the university, a Mr Howard, resigned after it was discovered that Saif Ghadaffi , and by extension, Libya had bought access and influence at the highest levels of British society, through paying bribes (bungs) and handing out gifts. Saif and his convicted drug-baron cousin, Tarek Kaituni are so close, that Saif attended and even "blessed" Kaituni's wedding to a model in Istanbul, Turkey.
It may be that the criminal Arab influence was so great, that even the shape of Europe and the less than thorough risk assessment done on Turkey's acceptance into the European Union, was influenced by Ghadaffi and Libya. Clearly there were many many people within the EU and British beaurocracy who either promised or given gifts and money on the understanding, that certain contracts be handed out, Europe 'accept' Arab Turkey into Europe unchallenged, and the cherry on the cake, was for the Arabs to literally "own" the royal family.
Hence the enthusiasm of Princes Charles, Andrew and even Philip.
This network of crime even flowed to Brixton, where the recently illegally elected MP for Streatham, half-caste, mixed-racist homo-bi-sexual Irish-freak-Nigerian-Jew, Chuka Harrison, was selected on the basis of his "Nigerian" (oil) connections. Thus a blanket campaign of aggression and genocide was carried out against the British Black "West-Indian" community of Brixton. All for oil, and all for the royal families "Nigerian Muslim" friends. Thus completing the circle.
Libyan money even made it up here to Brixton, through various small-islanders, (agent provocateurs) who were paid to infiltrate the Rasta movement and Temple in Kennington. Thus labelling all Rastas as junkie, drug-sellers.
The Libyans and royal family like drugs such as Cocaine and 'Skunk'. I have personally seen Libyan's paying small-island Black men to masquarade as Rastas, and to work as police informers for Scotland Yard and Lambeth police.
It is well known that the police turn a blind eye to many very senior and important men,(such as the most senior civil servants in the Cabinet Office) who, protected by the police, freely prowl the streets come to the Brixton and Lambeth looking to rape and assault very young boys (if they are homosexuals), or attack and rape very young girls (if they are pedasts).
The most senior political or diplomatic Arabs share the same perversions as their white male counterparts. Hence Saif being given an MI5/MI6 body-guard, and the new head of MI6 going to dead, homosexual, cross-dressing spy's, Gareth's funeral. The catamite Gareth was lover to himself a former catamite, Sir John Sawyer. Therefore Sir John was saying 'good-night' to his 'toy-boy'. And so we close the loop again. Squaring the circle and drawing the plumb-line.
Ghadaffi's, Libya's and the influence of the Arabs and Jews is both shocking and appalling. The public would be shocked at how high this thing goes. for example Foreign Secretary, William Hague's catamite had to be banished. His wife divorced him because of his homosexuality, and perceived drug use (homosexuals are notorious junkies). Once these people join the diplomatic service or the civil service, they are expected to perform and condone many stomach-turning, perverse sexual acts. These include homosexuality, beastiality, paedophilia, and necrophilia. These 'ailments are a most interesting collection of serious mental disorders.
These serious mental disorders are 'carried' mainly by the men, (although there are some women carriers) usually passed through the mother's genetic weakness, but the fathers' practice. And hence we see parts expressed as determinism and dictatorship.
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Tarek Kaituni with one of his young "girl" friends. |
This is oddly, why, prince Andrew 'sold' princess Beatrice, and will never change his modus operandi.This is the reason, prince Andrew, et al will always be sleaze-balls, and will always move with sleaze-sodden types. The adage, 'birds of a feather flog together' is apt here. And so prince Andrew, must NOT be given the choice as to whether he leaves as UKTI ambassador or not. He must literally be removed from post, and monitored forthwith for his odd activities and proclivities. The same applies to prince Charles and Camilla (who is an especial manipulater and danger to far 'younger' women).
In fact, it would be wise to prepare for the end of the royal family, and the monarchy. These people are not only mad, but they are stupid with it. Once the public is up against that deadly combination, there is no other choice. It becomes about the survival of humanity. Hence, I recommend getting rid of the mentally sick 'Randy Andy', prince Charles and Camilla. William is the same, and the brother is even worst. There is no hope for them.
So the women of Britain have voted with their feet. No more Saif Ghadaffi, no more Jeffrey Epstein, no more Tarek Kaituni, etc. No more Paedophilia, animal abuse, medical experimentation on the public, crimes of aggression, extra-judicial killings (murder) and genocide - all these get our thumbs down. The People are no longer prepared to have their money abused by these rich or royal gang-leaders, who casually spread, purvey and promote sleaze and corruption. Thank God, the public has said - please, no more!