Marcia Kia Simpson-James. |
Chris Grayling - The public perceive him to be pushing a DWP-fronted 'gangsters' policy. |
Vicious British government minister for the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP- minister for unemployment) has recently introduced a draconian Order which forces qualified unemployed people into working for free for lobbying "employment" firms running government contracts.
The unemployed will now find that they will be forced into slave labour for no pay, or onto irrelevant "training" to 'update' their skills.
If unemployed graduates or former highly qualify 'refuse', they will have their benefits stopped for up to 1 year.
This could mean that many already pressurised unemployed people, will be evicted, and become homeless because because they will not be entitled to housing benefits or hardship payments.
Responsible minister, Chris Grayling, seems to ignore the fact that we are presently in a recessional down-turn, which which well-versed economists say, will not turn around until early 2013.
Mr Grayling, has also been reluctant to explain how these draconian laws, which violate the claimants human rights, is contradicted by his department handing out valuable contracts to "training" providers, which are valued at at least £400 million.
Prime minister, David Cameron, has also decided to hide the fact that each one of these "training & employment" companies will receive an additional £14,000 for each person they force into disadvantaged low-paid jobs.
That means, that the overall expenditure could be in the region of £4-10 billion. This is false economy and deception is hidden within the recent George Osbourne-fronted Budget.
Since 80% Black people live in the most disadvantaged areas in the UK, this policy can only be interpreted as institutionally racist in its aim.
Chris Grayling (3rd from right at the back)) minister for the unemployed & Communities Secretary Eric 'Humpt-Dumpty' Pickles ( hugely fat man at centre front )whoops it up at luxury event whilst implementing new employment laws that grossly violate the Human Rights of the vulnerable unemployed. International Human Laws are openly breached by Grayling and Darra Singh, (racist asian Chief Executive of DWP). |
Some government sources are now so concerned about the negative affect of this policy, that they are fearful that it may eventually lead to violent protests and civil disobedience. They are also aware, that this policy may open the government up to litigation which may cost them hundreds of millions of pounds in compensation costs. The government may also be open to justified accusations of harassment, intimidation and even mental torture if health issues are exacerbated by the rolling out of this 'stalking' threatening intitiative.
The policy, known, as "Welfare to Work", was created by sleaze-soaked war profiteer Tony Blair former "Welfare & Benefits" 'guru, Lord David Freud.
This racist determinist Jew, who was the author of a report on the subject, on behalf of the the conservatives and the coalition government, promotes abusing the public as a 'legitimate' way of pushing down unemployment figures.
The DWP is now one of the most feared government departments because it advances ideologies that will have a negative effect both at national and local levels.
There is a growing feeling of apprehension, that once the educated unemployed, graduates, and the unemployed 'squeezed middle-classes become aware of the reality that they will be asked to mop floors and stack super-market shelfs 'in exchange' for their benefits, there will be hell to pay in terms of votes.
The public have not failed to note, that Nick Clegg, leader of the Lib Dem's and deputy prime minister in the present Coalition govenment, is busily trying to push through voting changes (Alternative Voting) in a slimy bid to cancel the effect of this rough Justice "Welfare to Work" policy. I doubt that it will work.
Before I go, it might be useful for the reader to note, that within all the disadvantaged areas where these private profit-driven "training" companies operate, instead of unemployment rate going down, there has been a marked increase in the numbers of unemployed. This would appear to be a contradiction in terms. In Brixton alone, there are at least 8 companies profiteering from the vulnerable unemployed. So let the games commence!
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Chris Grayling - A useless non-enterprising man. |
See the discussion in HR article below: