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Friday 18 March 2011

"West-Indian" Rastas & Nazarites at risk in the UK, across the middle east and Africa

We have heard over the past few weeks of Christians and their defenders being assassinated and attacked for their beliefs in the middle east and Africa. However, has anyone thought that the same tactics could be used in Britain on Black Britains?


"West-Indians" are a recognised national minority in the UK. 

The Rastafarians and the Nazarites (an orthodox Black Christian Priestly Order - the original adherents of Christianity, of whom Jesus, Joseph, Mary, John the Baptist, Boaz, Ruth, Samson, the Shulamite and [Israel] Jacob  are but a few examples) belief systems, are recognised as a legitimate global religious phenomenon. They believe that the Messiahs comes from the "House of Joseph and the Lamb of God", is Black and will always be Black.

All Nazarenes are Black, and originate from the sacred dual Houses of Osiris (The Sun) and Isis (The Moon), from which flows the ancient House of Joseph. 

This means that all world religions descend from the "House of Joseph and the Lamb of God". Hence the ubiquituous use of the axiom "Peace & Love".

Indeed, the Nazarites are a specially recognised and constituted Supreme Order who have an automatic place in world history and government. They are The Israelites (the famous Chemists of Axum ) referred to in the bible as the owners of the Ark of  The Covenant.

The words "Ras" and "Nazerene" are special honorary titles which hold a specially imperative status and role in world politics, religion and government. Bearing these facts in mind, it is obvious that not everyone can be or become a "Ras" or a "Nazar".

With Nazarites, both men and woman stand side by side. Uniquely, men and women genuinely hold equal status in this Order. However, only the most 'High', versed and educated individuals may enter. 

Unlike anywhere else in the world, the individual "chooses" for themselves to be a Nazarene. There is no coercion involved, a person enters this Order of their own free will and choosing.  There are no threats of lynching by the noose, death by the cutting of the throat or executions by shooting the victim 'in the head' or 'stilling the blood'.

This is the highly magnanimous and elite Order of Melchezedek - "King of Salem and priest of God", where the "Nazar" holds the triple role of royalty, priest and priestess. This is no simple task, and requires indefatigable tirelessness.  For the work, being constant, requires passionate vigilence, Knight and Dame.

Unfortunately, some miscontrue this openness as an open invitation to participate in matters, that they are neither prepared for nor understand. Hence, many are left dazed and confused by their experiences of 'Rasta', since, most are uninitiated 'tryers', fly-by-night opportunists or flat-foot criminals. 


First of all, let us clear a few things up. There is no such thing as a white Rasta. If you see a white man or woman with 'locks', masquerading as a 'Rasta', they are either mad or a confused junkie smearing the good name of the Rastafarians. Either way, it is a physical impossibility to be both white and a Rasta.

On the matter of the use of drugs, or specifically, marijuana, or "Kali Weed" the use (if used at all) is limited to eucharistic or sacramental purposes only. Any other use is prohibited. 

Since natural, 'weed' grows naturally (as God made it) in nature, and is unadulterated or contaminated. Limited use of pure marijuana, in religious ceremonies, is believed to carry Gods spirit. It is through the limited conduit of natural 'weed', that a Rasta may feel that they may attain a spiritual unity with God.

We see versions of this sacrament with the Hindus, Sikhs, the Bhuddists and the Catholics. Indigenous peoples across the world express their religiosity in the same way.

Around the world religious practitioners either inhale, smoke, drink or eat the holy sacrament as part of a eucharistic ceremony, this is no different.

However, because  raw racism, confusion over religious practice and the bad reputation of unregulated  'drugs'  in Europe, there is a widely held belief that  all Rastas 'live' on 'weed' day and night. 

This defamation, is baseless, since it is a lie against Black people who are genuine Rastas. In other words, Rastas have been tarnished and lied against for decades, on unfounded speculation, gossip, innuendo and odd police and Establishment-generated rumour.

These lies have subsumed reality.

I do not ignore that there are those who, for all the world, look, sound and apparently speak like Rastas, however, this does not a person so. If a criminal, or a miscreant decides to inveigle him or her self into a church, or religious gathering to misbehave, the whole group can-not be held accountable for that individuals actions.

What makes the issue of Rasta so controversial is the automatic 'connection' with crime. Indeed, Rastas have been defamed to such a degree, that they are now synonymous with crime. This is a great wrong.

Many Rastas have never taken drugs, much less marijuana. This in itself, may be for religious reasons. Many are vegetarians, or even vegans. In many instances, smoking and drinking alcohol are prohibited.

The eating of 'unclean' food ( e.g. Pork and shell-fish) is also prohibited. Many Rastas are 

Rastas are Black people, who are descendants of those stolen, kidnapped and enslaved during the world's worst crime against humanity - a process known by several terms. In particular, we call that most egrecious process "slavery", "the middle passage" or "The Black Holocaust". 

There is overlap in terms of history where Rastas and Nazarites are however, in both instances the names are "titles" within Orders, and they are in receipt of special protection  under both national and international laws and conventions.

However, the visible religious and racial minority communities of Rastas and the less well known Nazarites, have, over the past thirty years, been under a steady and sustained attack from the wider community, as well as the British state mechanisms.

They have been the unfortunate victims of aggressive attacks and "targeting" mainly based on outrageous homosexual bigotry, race, colour and religious hatred.

These attacks go way beyond the affects of institutionalised racism, hate-crimes, or bigotry. These attacks are of a nature, that can only be defined under crimes against humanity and genocide.

Firstly, if we examine the definition of "Minorities" - who are disadvantaged ethnic, national, religious, linguistic or cultural groups, who are smaller in number to the majority population of a society and who, as a result deprived of their ability to maintain and develop themselves. Then the Rasta and Nazarites fulfill the legal criteria for a minority group.

The issue become somewhat more complex, in that, these people, are the remnants of "Israel", which is in Africa. 

These facts, as well as their physical visible expression of their culture, (i.e.  the obvious being their hair being dressed as Dread-locks), puts them at the centre of the cross-hairs of any homosexual, race, religious or cultural extremist or fanatic who feels threatened by these beliefs.

In other words, they have suffered extreme discrimination on all fronts, not only on their race, but have suffered as a consequence of being the last survivors of the most heinous slave trade in human history. Indeed, they are the visible manifestation and legacy of the Black slave trade process.  The Black Holocaust.