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Tuesday 22 March 2011

Britain Ignores It's Own Torture and Human Rights Violations against UK Black and Rasta community Whilst producing a Torture report for Foreigners in Conflict Situations.

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.

The Catamite William Hague, the UK's Foreign Secretary, ignores the UK's own Torture behaviour and domestic renditions carried out against Rastas and the Black West-Indian community. All this whilst forming a Human Rights Advisory Group and a guidance booklet aimed at FCO staff.

See Foreign & Commonealth Office (FCO) guidance below:

The question is, what solutions does the British government intend to offer to Black English "West-Indian" Torture victims?

The UK's Black "West Indian" Rasta community have been further insulted by sending representatives of the British government to Libya, the middle east and other places of 'conflict' to advance the idea, that the British defend Human Rights. They emphasis their support for Freedom of Expression, and abhorrance to Torture. And yet, these are the very things that they not only actively promote and practice, but cover-up. The cover-ups include interventions in court proceedings from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), as well as the Attorney General.

Former Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, went as far as personally intervene with judges, who were dealing with several Torture cases. However, these individuals were 'lucky', in that they were asians and muslims, who are seen as more photogenic and "acceptable" to the public.

Not one known Torture victim of Black "West Indians" or Rasta background or religion was 'allowed' to bring a case of Torture against the British government. Despite obvious evidence of Torture taking place in UK cities. Places such as Brixton in London, Nottingham and Birmingham are notorious for the regular 'disappearances' of Black people.

Illegal interventions can be as crude as telephone calls from the DPP office or simply from 'anonymous 'parliamentary staff', etc, to the courts. The outcome is that judges are in effect, (or even perhaps in collusion with persons unknown) ordered to 'dispose' of the Torture cases that involve "West-Indians" or "Rastas", in a way that favours of the government. In other words cases are thrown out. Denial of access to justice can even start pre-trial, by poor, wrong or no legal advice offered by solicitors and barristers.

 Examples of gross Human Rights abuses include crimes of aggression - such as regular attacks (police raids on homes), illegal "kettling" (such as 'containment') by the police;  permanent unemployment; forced slave labour;  forced slum, Rachman-style inhumane housing conditions; forced evictions if they complain;  disappearances; arbitrary detentions; trumped up charges and convictions;  physical & psychological Torture; planned displacements as well as genocide and ethnic cleansing.

This means that they are socially, economically, culturally and civilly excluded from participating in all aspects of life. This situation of conflict and oppression was recently emphasised by a Brixton Rasta Temple being bombed and tear-gassed by Lambeth police. The police then disappeared the Rastas by sending them for interrogation to special 'Terrorist' police stations across London, or to mental institutions. This was done without due process or access to legal advice.

Charges were trumped up at the last minute, whilst people were held for 15-24 hours without food, drink or access to a lawyer. Eventually, all charges were dropped, when it was found that the case involved corrupted judges,police and solicitors, who had colluded in a criminal joint enterprise to attack the Rasta community of Brixton.

Nothing was done by the British state to rectify the problem, or to arrest the criminals involved in the collusion. In plain language, the state refused to take up their responsibilities to protect Torture victims. No one in public office was arrested, charged or even interviewed for abuse of their role in public office.

And yet, despite this, prime minister David Cameron, was recently seen doing a 'walk-about' in the middle east whilst knowing full well that gross human rights abuses were happening in his own country. 

Where Black "West-Indians" are concerned, organisations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Interrights, etc, were, and have always been silent.

Amnesty International - headed by former London Mayor's Ken Livingstone former girlfriend, Kate Allen, has said nothing in regards to the treatment of Rastas, despite being notified and aware of the situation. However, she is very eager, to help "brown asian and muslims" who are lighter in complexion to Black people. Actions which show that she and Amnesty International, etc, are themselves racist, and anti-Black.

Parliament has produced the anti-slavery Act. An act, that completely ignores the descendants of slavery. Therefore making that Act, both incompatible with the Human Rights Act, as well as with international laws and conventions against racism, slavery, the descendants of African slaves, Torture, forced evictions, arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, religious discrimination, child abuse, violence against women, etc.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have rightly called for the release of four arab Al Jazeera journalists, assumed tby Libya's col. Ghaddaffi, but have never asked for the release of one Black English man or woman of African-Caribbean descent. Why would they be so inactive where these "Black British" cases? The answer, they are anti-Black, anti-Black "West-Indian". 

Internationally, Britain already has questionable Human Rights credentials. Their reputation can only get worst, until they stop Torturing of Black "West-Indians" who are descendants of the slavery process.

The British government, its ministers and civil servants must acknowledge that they torture Black people, domestically rendition them and inflict actions that are aimed at the destruction of that community.  

There must be good financial and economic redress to the victims, and their off-spring. There must be a provision of funds for an international commission on the affects of slavery on that community, that has nothing to do with contemporary forms of slavery. There must be the installaton of several  'sensible' Black Rasta and "West Indian"  Diasporan ambassadors to represent the cause at the highest levels.

Finally, there needs to be discussions around the provision of land to permit the development of a country, where we can determine our own economic, social, cultural and  civil futures.

It is completely unacceptable for the British government to attempt to stymie as well as prevent the opening of discussions, by the brutal use and application of Torture to oppress and silence 'dissent' (i.e. Freedom of Expression) of those of us who come are 'the legacy of slavery' and the proven victims of the worst crime against humanity in the history of the world.

Outside of taking these actions, the British government, and all its agents, will continue to be seen as racist colonials, who are ripe for disrespect and contempt.

See below list of organisations that received funding from the Equalities and Human Rights Commission:
Not one Black "West-Indian" or Rasta organisation.

Note that ALL Commissioner's of the UK's  Equalities and Human Rights Commission are extremist  anti-Black racists. Please do not be deceived by the fact that the chair is a painted black man. Trevor Philips, known colloquially, and with contempt as "a small-islander" ( a reference to a person who is educationally and culturally limited to the point of being a colonial slave) is defined in the Black community as "a Nigger". The other 'black' member of the commission, Simon Woolley, is known as "simple Simon the Nigger" in the Black community. He is a criminal with tight connections with the criminal underworld world through scandalised  mixed-racist former Mayoral Lee jasper.

Both of these "Niggers"  have a deep hatred of educated Black people,  Black dark-complexioned Black women, and a perverted view of all Black children and youths. In both instances they promote racist Black-hating homosexuals, paedophiles and ultra racist whites, jews and asians.