Yesterday (Sunday 24 June 2012, The Andrew Marr Show, BBC one), Tony Blair denied that He blocked Lord (Peter) Goldsmith from giving evidence that counteracted his view that the Iraq war was legal.
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Lying Tony Blair making false claims that he did not physically Block Lord (Peter) Goldsmith in his argument that Iraq war was likely to be illegal! |
I am one of the few people who can say that I watched (in the flesh) both the Hutton and Chilcot Inquiries.
What I heard was chilling, in terms of the detail.
The Big Breach - By Richard Thomlinson :
In both instances, I listened to Alistair Campbell give evidence. I was also present to see some of the close quarter, unredacted documents directly involved in the decision-making process. Those documents did not make for pleasant reading. I might add, that Mr Campbell, was not best pleased to see me sat behind him, after he had given his evidence at the Chilcot Inquiry. I was not doing anything worrying, or threatening. Indeed, I am a peace-loving person, who has a tendency to listen quietly for the finite detail. I too sing England. For Alistair, my only 'crime' appeared too be, that I was the only dark face in the room. And what a beautiful dark face at that.
I will spare those of a more nervous disposition the graphic details. But suffice it to say, that the most intriguing sight was seeing the bluff and puff of the main players. It was a matter, of depending on those who aught to, not being bothered to actually read, and read down into the text., in particular, there are a series documents, that revolve around the legal advice given by the legal team around Lord Goldsmith. They were absolutely clear that the drive to war, would be considered, and indeed, be ILLEGAL. These documents, via the FCO, if followed chronologically, will clearly walk the public through the mind-processes and purpose of both Tony Blair and the Cabinet.
It will also give you a clear idea, of the obsequiousness, laziness, neglect and slackness of each and every Cabinet member around Tony Blair.There is no doubt that there was a dereliction of duty on their part.
But before I get into the meat and grizzle - ask yourself a question, where does the prime minister get his authority to make close decisions? This may sound like a crude question, but there is a secret document, seen by very few, that describes in detail, exactly what a prime minister is, and is not permitted to do, in Our name. That document needs to be brought out in the open, for the public to scrutinise. Perhaps the public needs to actually ask for that document.
Perhaps that is a job for the more solid and robust members of society.
However, I won't tarry, lets get back to the Chilcot Inquiry. There are a number of documents that were produced by Goldsmith himself, that would be wise to revisit. Those documents, looked at, alongside FCO legal advice, make very interesting reading.
Read, chronologically, There is not only clear evidence that Tony Blair saw to it, that Peter Goldsmith was physically locked out of the room, for the crucial Cabinet "war" discussion, but that Tony Blair, used smear tactics, to undermine and belittle Goldsmith to such a degree, that even if he had managed to be in the room to "put the reality" of the case, he would be treated with contempt, and as if he were a stupid child, over-estimating his own abilities for legal competence. In other words, Lord Goldsmith, was subjected to pure intimidation tactics!
I was present when Lord (Peter) Goldsmith gave his evidence at the Chilcot Inquiry. The public were shocked at hearing about Tony Blair's behaviour, and were sickened that he went unchallenged (especially by Goldsmith - who they classed as a less than competent coward) at the time. The public were appalled that the gangster, Tony Blair, got away with acting like the uneducated thug that he is.
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Tony Blair showing total disrespect to the public - This is what he thinks of the People of the UK. |
Lets face it, Tony Blair wanted to be the glamour boy, the future film star, the 'sweet boy', the centre of attention, squarely placed at the centre of "history", at the fulcrum of his "legacy" moment. Tony Blair, did NOT want "reality" getting in the way.
If you can, take the time, nay, spare a few days, if not a few weeks, to look closely at the documents mentioned above (especially that document that explains the specific role, authority and responsibilities of the prime minister), you will be richly rewarded! Just ask the the joint heads of the Civil service - they should oblige!
There, if you want, is clear evidence, that Tony Blair is not only a liar, but more importantly, took us all, (against the better judgement of his bigger, better and wiser 'colleagues'), into an illegal war. Its ALL there if you try!
And just for the record, let us not forget, the weapons expert, Dr David Kelly, if you look at how he was treated by his department, and how he was smeared, just before the lead up to his giving his parliamentary evidence session- you will see a despicable pattern.
For my part, I shall forever, and a day, regret that I was unable to be there personally, while Dr Kelly gave his evidence. I desperately wanted to be there, but because of a combination of unavoidable coincidences, I just could not make it. I was forced to watch the 'highlights' on the news. I was horrified as to how he was disrespected and referred to as "chaff". Unbelievably, this pejorative was used in reference to one of the top experts in this field, in the world. It was the equivalent of referring to decent mothers as "those whores", (in terms of impact).
If you look properly, you will see a common 'Tony Blair' authorised series of threads & moves - first isolate, discredit and then, 'take out' and "dispose" of the problem.
It goes beyond belief, that a man's desk, can be cleared, and left with nothing more, than a notebook. No telephone, no computer and no way of 'legally' communicating with his colleagues (whether in his office, or abroad). It was disgraceful, stupid and childish.
David Kelly, was the only brave soul in the room, prepared to challenge Tony Blair. For that 'crime', he was the subject and victim of operators of the 'dark arts' and a "wet job". We can only surmise, that Dr Kelly, was the victim of the RWW, or some other aspect of the 'increment'. It must have been such as relief, when "Yo, Blair!", received the telephone 'comms', confirmation, of Dr Kelly's death, whilst flying over international airspace. Blair must have felt like the grubby, uncouth, little man that he is.
But let me not tarry again. We should be asking, should Tony Blair be arrested, charged and taken, and detained at the ICC, commonly known as "The Hague"?
Should Mr Blair, be the subject of an "Extraordinary Rendition"? Who knows?
But Least We Forget - All those innocent souls who were deliberately and covertly subjected to the pure evil of Extraordinary and Domestic Renditions (i.e. such as me). The authority and command was given by Tony Blair and 'others', who MUST be held accountable and punished for such eregious crimes. Crimes, that the victims may NEVER recover from - ALL in the name of the war profiteer - Tony Blair and his 'friends'!
If I were asked directly what I thought of The Right Honourable Mr Tony Blair, I would approach the answer as follows.
In my humble opinion, the answer to that deadly question, (based on ALL the evidence). is an unequivocal Yes - He ought to be taken to the Hague and put on Trial for Crimes Against Humanity, Crimes of Aggression and genocide!
Lets hope that Sir John Chilcot has the wisdom, and strength, to take the first step towards sanity in this matter. If his Inquiry does the right thing, He can take it from me, He will be seen as a Hero, who has performed a public duty, that will place him right at the centre of 'Righting' an International Wrong.
Sir John will suddenly find positive. long-term 'friends', in areas, he never expected to reach. The world is pulling for the right thing to be done so that we can overcome the trauma, and genuinely move forward, without animus.