Marcia Kia Simpson-James. r  |
Carl - My, what Big hands you have. Is that a 'bulging' 5'o clock shadow I see? Picture of racist Sex-changer Mr Carl Trimmingham, 'lesbian' vote-profiteer lover of Climate Change minister Chris Huhne. Racist Carl (above) helped to organise racist anti-Black extremist homosexual rally, with fellow extremist racist 'lesbian' Angela Mason, & Lambeth sodomite extremist policemant Brian Paddick to arrange to attack and ethnically cleanse Brixton and Lambeth of All Black-English people of Jamaican heritage. It should be noted that sadistic sodomite Lambeth borough commander Brian Paddick took and promoted sever drug taking and oversaw a regime of 'active' Black Deaths in Custody. Rumours have circulated for some time that 'Carina' Trimmingham, is in fact an extremist 'lesbian' sex-changer called Carl. Sources have said that racist Climate Change Lib Dem minister, Chris Huhne, has been known to have 'experimental' sexual tastes. Apparently he likes mannish types 'beards'. Mr Trimmingham would fit the criteria with ease, since he is a regular visitor to salons for hair-removal. Unfortunately, it seems that they have not been very successful with her hairy jaw-line.
Carina - Man-Head
That in combination with those broad strapping masculine shoulders and that questionable 'bulge' in the trousers, confirms that the Lib Dems, (as well as the Conservatives and Labourites) and parliament are the places to be if you want to fulfill any sick psycho-political-sexual fantasies. Look at suspected homosexual, half-caste African-Kenyan, American President, Barrack Obama. It has been confirmed that he is coming to Britain to give a speech to parliament at the end of May 2011. Can anyone challenge his grandmother who says she saw African half-caste Barack Obama born in Kenya to his white mother?! That is one thing that women would NOT lie or be confused about!
Can it be a coincidence that Brixton's Black-English West-Indian community were forced to accept a homosexual, half-caste (half irish and half African - in this case criminal Nigerian), 'lawyer', slated in as the "British Barack Obama"? Can it be a coincidence, that there has been a systematic ethnic cleansing of FULL Black Americans and Black English people in a bid to replace us with the mixed-racist, nearly white, half and quarter breeds. Is it any coincidence that there is mystery surrounding the 'origins' of Both Barack Obama (Kenyan) and Chuka Harrison Umunna MP for Brixton ("The British Barack Obama") who is Nigerian? Why is everyone bending over backwards for these no-nation half-breeds? Why is the name of the game to pretend that Black Americans and Black English diasporans do not exist? Why are all these white civil servants and advisors determined to pretend that the Black American and Black English with a "slavery" background and heritage can either be ignored or rubbed"? Note that both the Kenyans and the Nigerians are full-blow slave-colonial sell-out-minded criminals, who make a bad fist of being misrepresenting themselves as being more 'educated' than "Black Diasporan" people. Just like homosexual Climate Change nut, Chris Huhne, the name of the game for extremist homosexuals and lesbians is inflitrate key jobs and positions and misrepresent themselves just enough, and in such a convincing way, that you get elected for political posts. Preferably, with a lot of straight, Black-English and American victims. They work well with Africans (Ethopians, Nigerians and Ghanaians) and asians (Uganda, Kenya, south africa) who have the same mentally disordered practices (see asian murderer shreni Dewani) as them. 'Ordinary' people do not feature in this strangely perverse global political world. I have no doubt that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, so when he comes to London, to give a speech to Britain's racist parliament, he will meet the likes of his fellow racists Chris Huhne, David Cameron and Ed Miliband. He is coming 'home' to his colonial mother and father, to suckle. Let it be known that I will happily back anyone who can remove or help to remove racist homosexual half-castes Barack Obama and his British counter-part Chuka Harrison Umunna MP. I hold the same view as for Britain' racist prime minister David Cameron, his fag Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband (to whom jewish muslim Chuka Harrison Umumma fags [boyfriend who acts as a personal slave] ) or latent perverted homosexual Climate Change minister Chris Huhne. I Wonder when America's African-Kenyan leader arrives at Britain's parliament, whether he will face the same welcome given to me, a FULL Black woman. I wonder if he will face harassment from the racist half-breeds, baroness ros howells of st david or 'lord' Herman Ouseley, or the conservative half-breed, make-up wearing effeminate, Windsor MP ( I can't even be bothered with his name Afiyre(sic)) or David 'SAS' Davis or Nick 'minister for London', or the several racist immigrant asian peers looking to eliminate Black people, or some many SO17, SPG Territorial Support Group gunmen who placed bets to determine who would have the privilege to shoot me in the head and prove at I was a "Black female West-Indian terrorist stalker. America needs to get rid of that fucking half-caste racist Kenyan Barack Obama. I support that move, because I have personally been the subject of his form of racism. He and his colonial and commonwealth-loving types, are a danger to ALL FULL BLACK people, anyone who support Christian marriage,le and anyone who does not promote homosexuality, and so they must ALL go. The American people now have to do their part as well as the people of Britain to reject rubbish. I look forward to hearing the good news about the demise of America's African president. I also look forward to dealing with his fraudulent criminal Nigerian, effeminate, dress-wearing, Brixton based counter-part. |