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An English Black-led Human Rights organisation which deals with the legacy of the diasporan slavery experience, addressing the issue of the British genocide situation and responding to the ethnic cleansing of the Black "West-Indian" community of the UK.
PublicEye Corporate Responsibility Campaigns.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Monday, 5 September 2011
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Zimbabwe - Tyrant Mugabe - If He Has Accepted Fellow Despot Ghadaffi - He Must Go and 'Development' Money Must Come to Black English-Born Descendants of British Slavery Process Based in UK. We Are Legally De Facto Present and Historical Victims of British & African Government Collusion in Slave Trade.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Race Riots (3) - Racist Magistrates Under Orders From Government to Send Everyone Up To Crown Court for Heavy Sentences. Sentences of 18 Month to 2 Years Debated.
Yesterday (Tuesday 16 August 2011) I attended Camberwell Magistrates' Court again. I was struck that there was a very very young Black man (with cain-rows) sitting on the bench.
This ruse did not fool anyone, in fact, it was offensive. This court is notoriously racist, the clerks are racists, the black court staff are racist, the solicitors are racist, much less the security guards - who are racist, damn it, the whole cesspit should be cleared out.
This charade at "equality" offended members of the public, defendants and any intelligent observer.
The usual magistrate observed at that court, were white, elderly people, who clearly have never had a conversation with a Black person who isn't a defendant.
All defendants from the 'race riots' were looking at the bench as if they were being turned over.
A white mother of a defendant cried, whilst a white father sat in dazed silence.
On leaving the court, I decided to take a walk towards Brixton. I was horrified to see the mixed-racist criminal Lee Jasper speaking to his good friend and fellow criminal "Blacka Dred" outside the laters record shop on Coldhabour Lane.
Jasper looked shifty and scared as I approached. He pretended to be speaking on his mobile phone, as I walked by. I could feel eyes staring into the back of my head, and so turned around. There it was, Lee Jasper, and his gang crew.
A group of criminal Yardies were stood around him, I presume, taking orders from their gang-leader, 'The Colonel'. What a frightening sight.
Before, this, I had been stopped by and elderly Black man, who explained to me that he was in his late 70's. We physically stood across the road from the 'Barrier Block', (Coldhabour Lane). He told me that he believed that the the recent most Brixton riot had been orchestrated and organised by the police and criminals.
He said that he was concerned that decent Black people were being labelled as these criminals. I said that the criminals he referred to regarded interactions the police as a hazard of the job. He agreed. He asked me if I had noted that the 'Brixton Splash' (on the Saturday of the 'riots') was 'organised' by 'certain people', and those people were friends of the 'criminal' Mark Duggan (man shot by police apparently in the back of a cab in Tottenham).
He said that corrupt police and criminals like Lee Jasper had got together and organised to 'trigger' a riot. He said that he knew a good few of the players and drank in the domino club across the road - implying he socialised with them.
He told me, that he did not like the Black chief executive of Lambeth. I asked him why? He replied that Derek Anderson was "a cruff" ( the lowest of the low).
I asked him what had 'been done' to Black people that we were faced with present circumstances? How was it possible to go from decent people landing in England in the 1940's and 50's to some of the terrible characters we had to put up with in the Black community? (rhetorical question).
His answer came in this form - he had brought his three children up in the area, and all of his children were all professional people. Say no more - I replied.
We parted after I thanked him for speaking to me. As I walked away, I knew I had food for thought.
Therefore, as I continued to walk towards Brixton along Coldhabour Lane, and on sight of gang-leader Lee Jasper, less than 5 minutes later, outside "Blacka Dreds" record shop, I thought to myself - how apt and speak of the devil!
Monday, 15 August 2011
Race Riots (2) - Majority of People being Processed Through the Courts are Black Men and The Disadvantaged Living in Abject Poverty. Camberwell Magistrates' Court Youths Processed in Secret Courts and All Adults Are Being Sent to Crown Court for Trial or Sentencing - In Plain Language Guaranteed Imprisonment.
Friday, 12 August 2011
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Racist Bullingdon Club David Cameron Overloads Camberwell, Westminster, City, Highbury & Other British Courts With Young Disadvantaged. Name of the Game to Defame, Criminalise and Stymie Any Potential Political Opposition. No Written Constitution Allows for Illegal Arbitrary Political Decisions Made on the Hoof or Via Hysterical e-Petitions.
Monday, 8 August 2011
Friday, 5 August 2011
Warped Scotland Yard Met Policeman has 110,000 Sick Pictures of Naked and Child-Rape Victims. Policeman Makes Images of Men and Policemen Having Sex with Babies, Under 5's and Other Innocent Children.
Anthony Vodden - Met Police Segeant made revolting Child-Rape Pictures and sexually molested babies and children. |
Scotland Yard Met police officer, Anthony Vodden, 46, was recently convicted at Southwark Crown Court, on 12 charges relating to child-sex abuse, making indecent child-rape pictures and distributing the most horrendous images of children being sexually assaulted by men.
Segeant Vodden, had been a Met police officer for 24 years.
Shockingly, Policeman, Anthony Vodden, was not sent to prison, because the judge, judge John Price, felt that Paedophile Vodden, was an 'upstanding pillar of society'.
He will be on the sex register for the next 10 years and will be under 'supervision' after that period.
Vodden was caught after Australian police officers were alerted to his activities. He had sent an invitation to a 10 year-old girl to strip herself naked so that he could take pictures of her.
however, the Australians took over the case, and an Australian police officer succeeded where the British police failed. Vodden, who believed he was speaking to the 10-year-old girl in an internet chat-room, was, in reality, sending stomach-churning messages to an undercover policewoman.
Unbelievably, Vodden, admitted that he had raped and sexually molested girls as young as 10 and 14 years-old. he said that he had been carrying out these crimes for at least 10 years.
It was only when the Australian police contacted the Met police, that child-rapist, Vodden's Uxbridge, (Hammersmith), home was raided by the police and he was later arrested. His computer was seized, examined by an expert, who found that Vodden had erased most of his hard-drive. Therefore awful images were permanently lost.
but Vodden, had forgotten that some images were still left on his computer. it was on these that he was convicted. The pictures included 12 at the second highest levels of severity, and the rest (well over 100) at the highest level of severity.
in his defence, sick Met police segeant Vodden, claimed that he had been 'sent' the sickening pictures 'by mistake'. He also blamed 'the trauma' of having a broken foot at the time of his arrest.
Judge John Price, worryingly, gave policeman Vodden, a 9-month sentence suspended for 15 months. This means that if he does not get caught with any images in that period, he will not go to prison. So all this child rapist needs to do, is to
not be 'seen' using a computer accessing or making these perverted pictures.
In the meantime Vodden will be having a ball, with not a care in the world whilst he is on an internet sex offenders course for 60 days.
Sadly, Vodden, unlike his innocent victims, will be able to walk away from his
child-rape crimes, unscathed and unsullied.
Monday, 1 August 2011
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Local Mentally Sick Nottingham Police Inspector Happily Raped 13 Year Old Girl and Gang-Raped Other Children For Kicks!
Dews, who was also attached to Mansfield police station, brought the girl to the police station many times, where he repeatedly raped the girl in the cells.
When asked, Inspector Dews, explained his actions, by saying that the girl was his "girlfriend" who he believed "looked grown up in her school uniform".
When asked, he said he thought it was a 'perk' of the job, to bring the 13 year-old child to his station for sex.
Dews, was eventually caught when he told fellow (honest) officers that the police station's dark stairwells were a "quiet" place where he could "have sex with her..." [i.e.the raped child] "...without being disturbed".
Dews, was eventually caught when he told fellow (honest) officers that the police station's dark stairwells were a "quiet" place where he could "have sex with her..." [i.e.the raped child] "...without being disturbed".
Oddly, Police Inspector Dews indicated that 'bringing girls back' [to his police station] was a generally accepted practice by many police officers.
This case is even more terrifying, since this police inspector used his senior rank to show other officers how to misbehave. In other words police Inspector Dews 'led by example'.
This case is even more terrifying, since this police inspector used his senior rank to show other officers how to misbehave. In other words police Inspector Dews 'led by example'.
Dews, who will be appearing at Sheffield Magistrates Court this Monday (Monday 1 August 2011), has now been charged with two serious sexual offences, (including a charge of sexual assault against a child).
It is suspected that the beastial Inspector Dews has been sent to this court, in an attempt to avoid him 'linking up' with corrupted magistrate or judge friends who might see to it that he gets away with his crimes by 'arranging' for Dews aquittal.
The Public, who are already angry, will be shocked to know, that it has additionally been revealed that Dews is being investigated for being involved in gang-raping many other children outside the station for well over five years.
It is suspected that the beastial Inspector Dews has been sent to this court, in an attempt to avoid him 'linking up' with corrupted magistrate or judge friends who might see to it that he gets away with his crimes by 'arranging' for Dews aquittal.
The Public, who are already angry, will be shocked to know, that it has additionally been revealed that Dews is being investigated for being involved in gang-raping many other children outside the station for well over five years.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Friday, 29 July 2011
Sick Mixed-Racist Former Attorney General - Catholic Baroness Scotland - Her Legal Advice to Public - Parents Must Take Paedophiles to Watch Children Play Football Before Inviting Child-Rapists Back Home For 'Dinner'. Identity-Confused Woman Justifies Stomach-Churning Advice By Explaining That She Wants The Public to Embrace Child-Abusing Priests To Stop Them Being "Lonely" & "Isolated".
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Monday, 25 July 2011
Illegal Telephone Hacking Inquiry Judge - Jewish Lord Justice Leveson - Meets Murdoch Son-in-Law - Fellow Jew PR Man Matthew Freud to Discuss Inquiry and Court Sentencing - Public Demands His Removal Because of Conflict of Interest & Resignation of PM David Cameron.
Lord Justice Leveson Corrupted - direct conflict of interest. Appointed by Stupid PM David Cameron. Leveson - Chair of Illegal Telephone Hacking inquiry has been discovered to have had three dinners at Fellow Jew, PR man Matthew Freud's Chipping Norton & London homes - to discuss scope of Inquiry and Court sentencing of criminals. By coincidence, Leveson is also the Chair of the Court Sentencing Council which decides on the sentences for those convicted. Did they collude and conspire a cover-up, so that the Murdoch Gang could escape justice and avoid being convicted if inquiry came out negative? The Public now want to know whether Lord Justice Leveson is a Freemason, even though fellow jew, Jack Straw arranged for Judges (at the European Court of Human Rights) to win the right NOT to declare (or not to be legally obliged to declare) their Freemason or secret society memberships and affliliations? In regards to Lord Justice Leveson's key role in deciding on sentencing, lets not forget, that this man, and his racist colleagues are central to Britain having a 98% convictions rate of Black people through British courts. This means that this organisation (the Court Sentencing Council-Board) is one of the most racist organisations in the world. This means that every Black person who stands in the courts, be it Magistrates, County, Crown or High Court, will necessarily be guaranteed at least two criminal convictions during their lives. The Black person's innocence is irrelevant. Surely, this fact, in and of itself, would required a public inquiry to seek out the who and why of this travesty of justice. |
Sunday, 24 July 2011
David Cameron -Tories Keep African Women As Sex-Slaves in International, Parliamentary and Tory HQ Sessions. Rumours Say a Cameron 'Friend' is Suspected of Flying an African Woman & Two Children to Foreign Hotels For Sordid Group Orgy Sessions. Conservatives 'Family' Policy Compromised By International People Traffiking Scandal.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Chris Huhne & Wife Vicky Pryce False Driving Licence Points File to go to Prosecution Service for Trial.
Chris Huhne - in his car! Sack, Prosecute & Jail. Climate Change telephoned son after police raid to tell him his mother will be going to Holloway prison. |
Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne recently shocked the world and made a fool of Britain (yet again) when he told UN countries that if they did not agree with his personal energy policies, they would be compared to Hitler and the Nazis.
What he failed to tell them was that the recent corrupted top brass of Scotland Yard have left, after being threatened with dismissal after serious misconduct and mismanagement was exposed. These corrupted Met Police were his protectors from prosecution.
In the past, Chris Huhne, confidentially colluded with his former Director General wife, Vicky Pryce, enabling him to evade justice and walk scot-free to go on to become an MP and then a government minister without fear of a criminal conviction or being caught.
All this whilst was done to cover Huhne's back. By agreeing to take the penalty points on her driving licence, Pryce, deliberately obstructed and perverted the course of justice for and with Huhne.
In terms of Pryce, lets have a closer look at her. She goes by the name of Pryce, however, her actual real name is Vasiliki Courmouzis.
"Vicky Pryce"
former wife of Corrupted Climate Change Secretary - Chris Huhne
former Director General going by a false name.
'Vicky's' real name is Vasiliki Courmouzis.
Ms Courmouzis, despite appearances, is Greek. Despite her best efforts to pass herself off as an English-woman, English born and bred, (something that she is not and never will be), Ms Courmouzis was born and bred in Greece, and came to Britain close to adulthood.
Which brings us onto questioning what developed vetting procedures were employed by the shady 'Sir' Gus O Donnell - Head of the British Civil Service. Many would argue that there would be questions to answer in terms of a deceptive character, where a senior civil servant would feel the strong need to deceive the public, her colleagues and staff with a false name. The 'anglifying' of her name should have thrown up warning signs immediately, in terms of her being a bad character, unsuitable for the role or status of Director General.
The second alarm bell should have gone off where she took the role of "Visiting professor". According to Met police counter-terrorism & TSG intelligence
"There is no such thing as a visiting professor!"
(N.B. If this is the stated security & Met Police official line, then no-one in England is ought to be able to hold such a title or role - other words, no such role or title exists).
Worringly, this would indicate that national security has been put at stake, since the Security Vetting process (DV) either failed or was not carried out where Ms Courmouzis and Mr Huhne are is concerned. This would mean that 'Sir' Gus O Donnell (who has final responsibility for this omission) is incompetent and slap-dash in his approach.
But let us not be distracted, Ms Courmouzis only agreed to tell the police the truth of the couples perverting the course of justice when he dumped her and her 5 children , for a childless, bisexual 'lesbian' 15 years her junior.
Let us remember, that Mr Huhne and Ms Courmouzis deceived his first wife to continue a secret sexual affair for some years before they were discovered. It was only then, that they married.
Therefore Ms Courmouzis it would appear, is petty in her emotional directions. Which leads us to ask, what else was Huhne and Courmouzis have to hide.
Has Huhne, been driving whilst being drunk? Has he caused harm to a member of the public, or even killed someone whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
How many other times has Courmouzis covered up for her husband and deceived the public?
In terms of these individuals be able to see and handle document of the most secure and serious nature, if they 'bluffed' their way into their jobs, they breached the Official Secrets Act, and should be prosecuted under that act. They should also be prosecuted for deception, misrepresentation, passing of, gaining criminal advantage, and Bribery.
Now both the Energy Secretary (Chris Huhne) and Ms Pryce, are in great danger of going to prison for their collusion and joint crime. It seems to me, that the transfer of penalty points to "Ms Pryce's" licence is the least of their problems.
Least we forget, the bad character of the man, Huhne recently telephoned his son Peter, in yet another craven bid to cover up his crimes. In that call, he cooly informed his son, that if he cooperated with the police investigation, and told the truth of what he knew, he would see to it that the boys mother, Ms Courmouzis, would be convicted and sent to Holloway women's prison. This has got to be the actions of a criminal who that can only be described, as deceptive, untrustworthy, self-interested and despicable. In plain English, a man who is a danger to the public.
It is to this man, that Ms Courmouzis ( a woman, who, by certain accounts is supposed to be highly intelligent) conjoined to commit her manifold crimes. I believe, that there is no doubt, both individuals should be dealt with in the harshest fashion. They have deliberately hidden behind a cloak of decency and broken every concept of public trust and probity in the book.
As for 'Sir' Gus O Donnell and the incompetent Heads of MI5 & MI6, SIS, various parliamentary Committees, they all need to resign immediately, and be replaced by solid, sensible, respectfully intelligent people.
Wendi Murdoch Thuggish Gangsta Bitch - Jointly Culpable With Her Decrepid Husband News Corps Rupert for Covering Up Blue-Eyed Boy James Murdoch's Lazy Incompetence.
Friday, 22 July 2011
Norway Bombings - Freemason Culprits Must be Caught for These atrocious Acts.
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Injured Oslo Woman bombing victim. Friday 22 July 2011. |
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Terrorist Freemason Anders Behring Breivik Oslo Bomber could pass as a 'harmless' or 'decent' man in any crowd. |
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Rupert & James Murdoch, Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks Should be Arrested and Jailed for Bribery and Illegal Hacking Crimes.
Put Rupert & James Murdoch in Prison! Public upset Criminal Murdoch Pair given an easy time by soft British MPs. |
Andy Coulson Put him in Jail forever! Criminal - Culpable former editor at 'hacking' News of the World Criminal arrested at Lewisham police station. |
Put 'er in Jail! Eastender Rebekah Brooks Arrested for Bribery and illegal bribes and illegal tapping of phones and communication. |
100 years Prison terms each for Bribery & Advantages gained! Main Culprits James Murdoch (on the left) and Rupert Murdoch (old man on right) did not fool the public by playing innocent, 'outraged' or 'decent'. They bought, paid and 'owned' politicians, police and elections. Stories were the least they bought for advantage. Some Select Committee members even admitted they (or their relatives) had or were still working for Murdoch! Therefore they would not have asked the necessary hard questions because of conflict of interest. |
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
'Sir' Paul Stephenson Employed Criminals & 15 News of the World "Work Experience" Journalists in His Scotland Yard Office To illegally Hack Victims Telephones. They were Also used to Keep Public under Illegal Surveillance & to Intercept Mail.
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